Thursday, March 2, 2017


      In the cigaret review, i thought that dustin stanton's career in the beginning must have been pure luck, but i also felt like he must have worked very hard to become a graphic designer and get into the company position. It surprised me that it took many people to work on the magnolia poster, because all those people for one poster design is remarkable. i liked how he subtly shows the film's story throughout the posters and i think i will take note of that for the poster project. i also think that it was great how he used different designs based on the genre of the films. i had not seen the films he was working for so i cannot say anything about them unless i see the films myself. by looking at the posters, his use of photoshop impresses me, especially the magnolia poster. his advice for dead-end creatively "re-ask questions:what am i trying to communicate" helped me  a lot when working on comic writing, i also think that i will use this for the poster project.

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