Friday, May 5, 2017

final project

 i wanted to make the buisnesscard and letterhead more colorful, so i made two versions: one with a cupcake logo, and one with the "G" as the logo. 

Friday, March 31, 2017

movie poster project: beasties

hw#6 respond

In the article about 20 design rules, i thought that some of the rules are ok and needed such as the letters not blending into the background, but i also thought that you can break some of the rules for certain art pieces. for example what if you want to make an art piece made from capital of the rules i agreed with the most was the stretch type problem, stretch type always bothers me.

Friday, March 10, 2017

poster practice

hw#6 favorite movie poster

my favorite movie poster is the poster for the watcher in the woods. i haven't seen the movie but every time i see the cover for the film it captivates me. the more i look into it the more detail i see drawn into it. it also has a good theme that matches the film. you see the characters surrounded by trees that look like smoke with many colors and you see a pair of eyes over everything if you look close enough. my favorite thing about it is that it is drawn and that must have taken days to make all those little details.

Friday, March 3, 2017

band album cover practice

movie poster project: beasties

       The film is about a girl who makes 2D sketches ( in her case monsters) come to life with the help of a magic sketchbook. Her best friend and her are the only ones who know about, she often hides the secret from a school crush. The girl makes the monsters to do whatever she wants, most of the time it goes chaotic. An evil teacher wants to steal the pen so he can create a horde of monsters to rule the world. when she loses the sketchbook, things get crazy.

movie poster practice

Thursday, March 2, 2017


      In the cigaret review, i thought that dustin stanton's career in the beginning must have been pure luck, but i also felt like he must have worked very hard to become a graphic designer and get into the company position. It surprised me that it took many people to work on the magnolia poster, because all those people for one poster design is remarkable. i liked how he subtly shows the film's story throughout the posters and i think i will take note of that for the poster project. i also think that it was great how he used different designs based on the genre of the films. i had not seen the films he was working for so i cannot say anything about them unless i see the films myself. by looking at the posters, his use of photoshop impresses me, especially the magnolia poster. his advice for dead-end creatively "re-ask questions:what am i trying to communicate" helped me  a lot when working on comic writing, i also think that i will use this for the poster project.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

ted talk respond HW4

In the video designers-think big! ted explained that designers need to stop thinking about small objects and start thinking about how to make something that can change the world we live in. he gave a few examples, one being a man who designed a way to transport people from train to sea. i thought that what he was explaining was true, and that thinking big could benefit designers by helping them make a bigger impact on the world and the way we live. i also thought that he provided great examples and made his point clearly when speaking.

non functional project pt2

Thursday, February 9, 2017

hw #3

While reading the interview with graphic illustrator  montygog, i thought that not only were his works great, but i thought he had great advice and inspiration for people to become better at digital art. When reading the interview, he said he used illustrator and photoshop to make illustrations and i think he could have given more explanation on how he used both programs to make his pieces. I thought that his advice "get more creative", was helpful since being creative is what is important in illustrating and graphic design in general.

hw #2

After watching the video "re-thinking the way we sit down"  i found it very interesting how furniture designer Neils Diffrient , found inspiration from planes and engineering. It showed that people can get inspiration from anywhere when creating anything. I also liked how he designed his chairs for different body types such as short, tall, long legs, back problems, etc as well as basing the chair off of pilot seats in planes.